The purpose of ELN is to establish a platform and agenda for common goals concerning the reduction of emissions through reduced weight in products.

The network is an initiative by public authorities from, up until today, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Slovakia and Poland. The network activities focus on exploiting lightweight technologies supporting the European Green Deal objectives.

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The German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy initiates the 1st ELN Conference during the German Presidency of the European Council. Approximately 15 EU member states participates.

Germany invites ministers from the governments of Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands to the Lightweighting Summit at Hannover Messe. Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Trade, Anna Hallberg, attends.

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology hosts the 2nd ELN conference in Vienna. Strong political support for the event, shows the importance of lightweight in Austria.